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Wednesday, 16 December 2020 16:00


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Sometimes you hear something that grabs your attention straight away. Something different. But at the same time, something familiar, something you feel at home with straight away. And the only thing you are quite sure of is that you have to explore it some more. And more.

That was the first impression when I checked out a link sent to us one night. An unknown band for me, but the music was so intriguing and done in such an effortless and playful way. And without any boundaries. After hearing the music a handful of times that night, I just had to reach out to them to get more information. And maybe some more music to dig into.

Now, as I write this and listen to their music once more four months later, I'm still drawn into their musical landscape, moving from heavy, sometimes chaotic, progressive metal to melodic pop ballads via storytelling soundscapes fitting a motion picture.

Please let us introduce you to the Icelandic ensemble Ask the Slave!

In collaboration with We Låve Rock Music, we will release their third full-length album, "Good Things Bad People", in the spring of 2021.

Crime Records will also re-release Ask the Slave's two first albums in remastered versions with bonus tracks.

All albums will be presented in detail later on. So will the rigid collector's box...

Ask the Slave:
"We are extremely happy to announce that we have signed a deal with Crime Records from Norway. Rooting in metal but recently branching out to other, more ill-explained territories, Crime Records is an independent label run by true music lovers who understand and appreciate good, innovative music and offer great support, honesty, and respect to their artists. Needless to say, we are very proud to be part of this family."

Welcome to the family!

And we can't get out of this Covid 19-situation soon enough, so we can meet up, grab a beer together (you may leave the fish!), and get to experience you live on stage. Cheers!